Us messing around before burning the "kim chua"
Green Monkey setting off fireworks.
The menyembelih babi panggang ceremony. My eldest sis, after numerous trip to the market, learnt how to cut the babi. Proffesional la she. 2nd pic in the first line shows that we got a little lost cause we ended up reading the newspaper meant to alas the babi. I messed with the babi head. My long lost relative is DEAD!!! (read: the pig. Don't we look alike?)
Group picture come last. I tell you, if you say I am crazy, it is in the blood!!! All my cousins are a little mad!!!
Us doing the continuous 10 picture taking. The moral of the story is, don't move too much!!! And look at the blinking light properly or you will either be missing from the picture or lose ur face!! (read: picture got blurred mar)
p/s: look at hoeng. Sekejap ada, sekejap tak ada. I heard from sis's bf that she was flying here and there. =P Action melebih. My eldest sis say the only way to get perfect picture is to stay still throughout the entire 10 pictures. =.="
Us lining up according to height and take mad pictures again. My mum's side of cousins are mad mad people. I love mad mad people. =P Chih Heng (second sis's bf) is joining us very very fast. He is like part of the mad family already. Because he is mad himself. =P
Reached home at 2am
p/s: Hop on to www.abunene.com/blog to read about food review and Superstar Season 3. Good eye candies there. Too many posting in one blog already, so moving over there.
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