You can now download the song sang by a bunch of artiste for this Malaysian Artiste For Unity. The whole list of artiste who are involve in the song or in the video is here.
And we always want to download things for free right? Now, you can do it, FREE here. As the whole song and video is recorded at zero production cost, you can get it free as well. These singers and production team do it volunteerily, tak ada upah mia and it's because they love Malaysia.
Now we all know we love Malaysia, just hate the way it is in now. But we still love Malaysia, we love Malaysian and it's time to spread the word. It's an anti-racial song.
Here's the video and preview. =)
The complete song. Can test first before download. =P You should watch this if you want to see Harith Iskandar dance and there's one part they rap in 4 languages. English, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil.
The trailer.
Btw, while I'm at it, here's the video for Olimpik Beijing sang by Malaysian.
Olimpik Di Beijing. Like this song better. =P
Have to edit. Boh pian. The singers for Olimpik Di Beijing, for Chinese ones (Malay ones I tak berapa kenal) got KwokFai,VictorLee,Daniel,JNK,Boyzfren, Guang Liang, Penny Tai, CaoGe, Winson, Jerry,John,Henley,Orange and much more. Syok-nyer tengok. Ha-ha.
By the way, you all remember Nikki from MI1? She also ada.
China and Hong Kong one.
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