Pictures of us before we leave the resort. Byebye Pangkor. It was a great getaway though. I miss not doing anything but lying on the beach, although under the trees.
Below are pictures I forgot to put up or want to put up.
Me and Pao with our sunnies. =))
Me and the sea. Haih, the only one I took that at least my face is visible. The rest damn dark.
Beautiful isn't it? It makes me wonder how capable we are in making a mess out of these beautiful earth God provided us. I mean look at the beach in Penang and compare, you'll understand. And Pangkor is NOT the cleanest beach around lor. sigh. Why like that???
Peekok which weiwei say cannot call it like this. Cause we got a friend name Kok. -.-"
Three of us before Mr. Lim turns to look at birds. sigh. WHY LIKE THAT???
Pao and I. We took like half and hour walk to the other end of the beach, quite far away from our resort. You can really know until where the beach is owned by the resort. Cause after that point, it's freaking dirty can die.
Hardworks of the crabs, korek-ing lubang for their house. These are the hasil korekan cause they korek small cute balls.
Errr...Hornbills? Can you see them??
If there is one thing I really love to eat, it has to be PRAWNS!!!! That's me attacking the prawns.
Us at the "bridge" lol. Quite scary actually. Can fall.
Me playing with full concentration although we did not insert money. sigh. Why I like that?
The SHIT that Pao talk about. Don't know what makes it like this but it's actually sand and it comes out from the beach like all the time. Must be got lubang so the udara menolak the pasir come out or something. Nevermind.
YES~~~ you!! ping ping.. haha