Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why of all people

it's him who starts acting like this? Do I really have to lose all my good friends because of this? I know he is confused and perhaps misunderstood himself but it happens so often that I lost my friend after that. And it's not even my fault!!! I did nothing and I always always always have to be the one to bear the guilt and the blame. I'm so tired of all this. Can you guys for once get your mind straight and not make me the victim?

There's no answer from me that will save the situation. It either break our friendship right away or slowly break it. And I HATE IT!!!!!!!! DON'T MAKE ME THE VICTIM CAN? Just leave me alone and let me be who I am. I'm always the victim. I can be sure to say this. I AM ALWAYS THE VICTIM!!!!!!!

I can forgive him because he is confused, but can he forgive me for having a clear mind? It's so unfair!!!!!!


  1. why ?? who is that ?? cum cum share with me thn ull feel better =p

  2. peng yu,
    wat hapen?let it out...We r worried.Not kaypo..

  3. ahwin chengling: i know you girls are worried and concerned but it's not really suitable to be shared here. We beremail lar. XD So sad...
