Saturday, February 14, 2009

I thought I will sleep my valentines away

since I was baking the whole night last night. We were busy preparing the valentines stuff for our PKA's fundraising. As there's lots to do with the baking, we did not feel sleepy. I guess we were too occupied. It was when I stopped all the work that I felt blur. I thought it's still midnight but the sky were so bright already.

I got back my room at 8am and slept like a log till 1.30p.m. while our other comrades are still out and running about delivering the gifts. Sorry comrades. The blurryness got the best of me. Thinking of it, if there was any fire, I would have died woiiii. Choi!!!

So I won't be sleeping my valentines away!!! YAY!!! Sounds like I got a life afterall. NOT! I was mopping my VERY dirty room because no one wants to do it and washing LOTS of clothes cause I've been busy and running about since Wednesday. So I got 3 days worth of clothes to wash.

My valentine.

Can't show you cause USM's connection cannot upload pics again. Sien.

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