Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh man.....

My sis and hottest girl in Dunedin, Hwee Yeng's favourite word. Anyway, I wanted to talk about this for very very long already. Just lazy. Now that I am so motivated, I decided to write about it.

There's one random feeling I had when I was on the plane. Man, we are like a bunch of "eau lo" (read: greedy) people on the plane. You know why?? The weather is not very good at times and it is very common to have bumpy rides. However, whenever there's the bumpy ride and earthquake like situation, they ALWAYS serve food. Never once failed. And there we were, eating even though the whole place was shaking a lot and probably going to spill our drinks. Left, right, front, back. Everyone was eating as though nothing happened. Imagine eating like nothing happened when there's earthquake. It doesn't help that you are 11000km above ground lor.

So 'eau lo'. A new experience. =)


  1. hahahaha, 7th month not yet over meh? hmmmmm...

  2. hottest girl in dunnyJanuary 4, 2008 at 9:01 AM

    aiyah.. paiseh.. mention me leh!
