Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Belated mother's day.

My mum loves Daniel if not as much, more than I do. So here's a dedication to you mum. And to my Ah Ma. Also Daniel's fans. Aiya, Ah Ma chase artiste like me one. =P Hers more keng. She kiss and hold artiste mia waist mia.

Mummy I love you though I am always, ALWAYS naughty. Though I did not write you any poem. Not like Anna Chi Chi, so power, I still love you and I hope you know it. In fact I think my mum is a super duper power woman cause we 3 sisters are/were quite naughty lor. As in we always fight among ourselves and quarrel and make her angry. We don't fight outside or luan luan mix, but we are devils at home. She has to be blessed with super power to tahan that lor. Eh, I think every mom has super powers. Every parent has super powers. It's whether they are using it or not.

My mum's super power must have been topped up with extra strength and life by God. It's not easy to take care of 3 devils, raise us and send us to tuition classes and control our studies. I may not be the super bright student but my second sister is. I am not too bad la. But, I think it was the 1001 tuition classes I go to lor. If I say this teacher is bad, within few weeks, I am enrolled in another. Tak ada chance untuk rest. Cause heh, if I rest means tarak study la.

Mummy, I love you, and I send Daniel to send this message. Lol, I cheated la. He posted up, I copied and pasted. But aiya, hope you love it. =)

Kam xia Daniel for coming in as a special guest. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Ah Ping don't say that I'm powerla.... nanti Shot circuit jadi power failure pula hehehe!
