Friday, November 1, 2013

House Hunting

So we have been house hunting for a while now but not actively looking yet. We've seen a few houses. So far I've seen one that I like it more than the others but I don't love the location. Anyways, the house was sold.

Yesterday the boyfriend and I went to look for another one and let's just say I am okay with the location but I would love to have a slightly bigger one. The condominium opposite is 900sqft but also RM125k more expensive.

The one we saw is 700sqft. I am OKAY with the house but it is definitely not my dream house. And whatever that I envisioned my house to have..let's just say with that house, I can't have it. But...the price is a hugeeee factor here. With the unimpressive size, it's already almost RM400k. If I were 4 years older and I knew Daniel 4 years ago, I think I would be able to get a better one 4 years ago. With the current price, I could have gotten a 1000sqft one 4 years ago.

I cannot complain to Daniel cause it will break his heart and makes him feel that he couldn't provide. It's not him. I just dream too much. =(

House hunting SUCKS! =P

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