Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Eyelid Stitching

I have heard so many people doing it and apparently it doesn't hurt.

I just read about a blogger who did it for RM3k to 4k and that can last for 10years. I have been contemplating but if I were to do it, I must first lose weight. Lol, cause lose weight is almost painless (or bearable pain) and it is free. That also can I cannot do it, don't even think about doing such beautification procedure.

But I might day....Not that I have problem going out as I am, poor boyfriend. I used to be much more vain and put more effort. Now I am just wearing t-shirts and 3 quarter pants when I go out with the boyfriend. Downgraded. Speaking of which, I shall put more effort.

For now, I'm going to get the lace double eyelid tape.

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