Tuesday, July 16, 2013


More and more people are beginning to know about Thermomix and more and more people I know seems to own one too. Previously, when I found out my friends' mum got it from someone else, I was a little crushed. Cause my friends (close ones) know I am doing Thermomix so to know that their mother bought from others is a little disappointing. Then I realised there is no point being sad about it. So I started to look at the other side of the coin. At least now more people know about it and perhaps those who were not convinced earlier will now be.

So I've been doing demos with Pao and the response has been encouraging. I've decided to TRUST the Lord to do miracles. I do my demo, I do my part and let God do the rest. Whether they purchase or not, it doesn't matter. Cause I've done my part and maybe one day they will. I am doing Thermomix full time now as I am sure it can give me the flexibility and the income I need for my family. So I pray to God and ask him to reveal if this is what He wants me to do. The flexi hours really will give me time to do other stuff other people who are doing full time job can't. I really hope this is His plan cause I am liking this plan. But if it is not, then He must have better for me.

I am still pursuing this now. I will continue to pray for Him to reveal to me.

So while waiting, more demos?

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