Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I am pretty dry with ideas lately and I can't even type a good post despite sitting in front of the computer for like 30 minutes. My computer is still sick and I am currently monopolizing my eldest sis's laptop. I just finished my P.A assignment and having a break. I have no idea to the reason of having mood swings and occasional uneasy feeling. I mean it seems like something is not right but I don't know what it is. But well, at least I am not throwing tantrum at my friends which I think would probably make everyone moody. Sometimes I really couldn't control myself. Besides, I am losing lots of hair lately. Hope that I don't go bald.

Each night, just before I sleep, I would be thinking and thinking and thinking. But I'll never remember what I am thinking bout. And for a few days now that I keep dreaming of the same song playing repeatedly in my sleep. That is until I woke up and heard that song again. Oh, so I was not dreaming, it was my alarm. I dreamt bout it repeating because it rang every 10 minutes until I actually wake up like 30 minutes later. =p

Somehow STPM is starting to haunt me. I am starting to feel scared and uneasy. I seriously have no idea to why I am feeling like this but I am hoping that it'll end. Even that callertunes problem don't make me this unhappy, down or moody. This is just unexplainable, just like love. I just don't why I feel like this. =( Enough of my moody post. I should stop before Shan calls me EMO PING. 0:)


  1. Hmmm tau pun...but these few days u look better..not dat moody d la...keep it up k...stpm is like haunting everybody kut... sometimes i just wonder wat will happen if i did badly 4 my stpm??? den my 2 years will be wasted jus like dat....sigh....

    -aH shAn -

  2. say nia u...mana can do badly one? So hardworking. =) You can do it...our emo shan so keng one...
