Monday, June 24, 2013

It's attacking us now

Was just few days ago when we were in our Whatapps chatroom, asking Jen Jen to come back as Singapore was hit with terrible haze. T_T Instead of Jen Jen come back, haze came. in 2006, my second blogpost was this.

As I am working from home, I have no air-cond and the smog is torturing me even when I close my curtains. I couldn't close the window else there'll be no ventilation although with this haze, it's better to have no ventilation. It's very stuffy and hot in the room. I cannot go out for fresh air. It just sucks, real bad.

I still have to do my work, go around and get stuff done. But will be getting masks. I don't care who are the one burning down forests in Indonesia, even if they are Malaysians. Just do something about it! Don't let them get away. It's not fair to punish those who did nothing just because their inconsiderate countrymen are at wrong. So don't have to report that it's Malaysian company who is burning down the forest. Just stop them. No one is saying Indonesians are doing it. More like WHY DON'T YOU ALL TAKE ANY ACTION?

Hate this weather. We get it EVERY SINGLE YEAR ok? So please, we have the right to rant. So what if you give us fresh air all year long (as though they are the one who give fresh air la. Only their country got trees and forest is it?), it doesn't mean it is OKAY to give us bad haze once in a while. You don't OWN the air.

Air Purifier will be one of the essentials when I get my own place.

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