Saturday, June 15, 2013

Room that matters

The boyfriend and I talk a lot about our future like how we want our wedding to be like, how much money will we need for that to ever happen, where we want to stay, how many rooms do we need and how much will that be. And then we try to imagine how we are ever gonna save up that much before I became too old (note: I am a year older than the boyfriend but we sometimes make it seems like I am 10years older).

So for him, it has always been the room and the living room. He needs a place to fall back and relax when he comes back from work (in future) and his pick of the rooms that matter will be either the room or the living room.

I, on the other hand, covet the beautiful and big kitchens that I've seen on Pinterest, television and now Tammy's after reading her blog. Knowing that our budget will not allow for that to happen (at least in the next few years), I am not too greedy. I may not get as big a kitchen as those I coveted but I am willing to take a small one and make it werk.

I typed wrongly and typed kithen instead of kitchen in Pinterest and got quite some interesting finds. =P There are clumsy people out there.

Anyways, I have always dreamt of a kitchen with huge oven, lots of working top for me to chop and do other tv-shows-chef-like stunt and also lots of storage space. Trust me, to have lots of working top, you need lots of storage space. And I also covet for a pantry. I need a pantry! Cause it's so cool to know that you can prepare enough food for the next few weeks should there be a need for it or that you can whipped up good stuff for unexpected guests! (I know, too much cooking shows)

These two may not have a lot of storage space but I think these will work in small apartments' space in Penang right? In fact the few that I have below are workable for Penang houses/apartments too except maybe I have to make some stairs to reach the storage in the picture below and think of how to keep the lizards away.

This blogpost will remind me of my dream for my kitchen once I get a house. And then maybe I can compare what I have and what I have been wanting to have. And I truly believe that God will give me my dream kitchen and dream house when the time is right. I don't mind much about rooms, but I must have a beautiful kitchen. And a small nook for me to read and do my personal stuff.

And the boyfriend has promised me that. =P

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