Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I need peace

I have been thinking of my future lately. I know God has His plans for me but I somehow will start thinking of what I want to be and then I get all stressed up. Since I am doing my Masters now, people are expecting me to venture into the teaching line, hopefully in USM. But I am not sure if that's my passion.

I have tried business twice, once selling clothes with my sister and then I started my own accessories online shop on my own (read: Little Poupee). I am not sure what I am doing wrong but it's not going as well as I've expected even though my things are wayyy cheaper than most of the shops online and I even sell the same stuff as some of them.

Then I have another business idea, and then another. Business is all I think of but I am too afraid to venture into anything, especially since I have no capital. I have no peace and I know I am taking too much control when God knows best. I need peace to continue my Masters and get it over with. Then I can sit down and think through properly. But then again, opportunities might slip away, yet again. God, lead me and guide me. Show me Your way.

wise words from the eldest sister:-
Get a job first. Work and gain experience. When you have the capital, you can start your business. Your business will be successful if your plan is good.

2nd sis:-
Get a supplier first and don't just worry for nothing.

(The 2nd sis called me upon my 'desperate' message and I talked to her while I rolled on the bed. That's how I roll. =P)

This verse comforts me. Saw it in a friend's blog (read: Sarah). It was also the verse during my 2nd time being a Crew Leader in VBS that stuck in my head for years now.

[Jeremiah 29:11] "I have it all planned out, says the Lord. Plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for"

Thank You Lord!

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