Thursday, May 2, 2013

Post-labour day

After enjoying my labour day yesterday with facial (and being RM600 poorer- you better look good, face), naps and food, I came back this morning to settle some post-graduation stuff like photocopying and certifying all the certs like the mean the world to me.

I went to get my transcript first and was sent to settle some "debt" with library. Got shock as I remember returning all my books and if I missed any, chances are, I can't find them anymore. Went to the library and found out it is the BOYFRIEND's book! Overdue for 3 months! Called him and he found the book.

Went to several offices to find an officer to certify my stuff but all weren't in. Got the book from the boyfriend *glare* and then went to the library to settle them. Managed to get some forms certified in Humanities school *kiss the school for ONCE they can do it*.

Paid for the fine and went back to IPS to get my transcript. And I have to go in again tomorrow cause I need to certify those transcript. THE BOYFRIEND IS SO GONNA KENA FROM ME. But poor boy has Viva so I kinda tak sampai hati scold him.

And I need to submit those certified stuff to my company to get my pay processed tomorrow!!! The boyfriend giving me headache!!!! Another day tomorrow!


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