Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Brain, where art thou?

Sometimes I can't believe how forgetful and careless I am. It's not like I'm stupid or dumb but I'm just very absent minded and blur all the time.

I studied in USM for 5 years now and don't you come asking me what route does each colored bus take. I can tell you all the wrong route and you'll not get to class. Don't ask me where are the classes too cause 90% of the time, I'll tell you the wrong one.

Then it comes to my daily life. I misplace my things all the time and trust me to forget the most important thing when you are in a hurry. Like my IC when my friend asked for my favor to help her get her MacBook. Or my photocopied IC when I need to do some government related things (and I purposely printed it the night before). Or my shoes. T_T I've almost worn slippers to work a few times because it was an impulse action.

Or I dunk the whole packet of herbal tea ingredients to see it ballooned up twice or thrice the size and scare the shit outta me. Quickly take out some but oh well, I'm gonna share them with my friends so no fear. Anyways, I've always gotten bad scolding and nagging from the boyfriend because I am so forgetful and careless. And I don't care much about organizing my stuff when he was all about, "Keep your things properly, don't leave things everywhere."

So...who is the boyfriend and who is the girlfriend now? =P Love him for his super good organizing skills (though he slipped at times) and his super good sense of direction. Not so love his nagging and scolding skills though. But I'll close one eye.

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